The dark horse in crypto asset quantification – Unicorn Park Quantified

Unicorn Park is a quantitative investment research firm on the cryptocurrency market, founded in 2020, headquartered in Canada, with a full overseas structured R&D team and a Canadian and US MSB licence. Risk control is a full process, with risk management running through all aspects of pre-investment, investment and post-investment. After years of development, backtesting and real-life operation, Unicorn Park has developed its own investment strategies and maintained an annualised return of over 70%, ranking among the top in the industry.

Unicorn Park Quantitative has the following key products, enabling a new direction for quantitative investment in crypto assets
1. Quantitative Investment Strategies
In addition to modelling and trading, DeFi’s quantitative models can also interact with the underlying layers of crypto assets, such as debit contracts, collateral and market making. The first phase of the product will have a maximum size of USD 100 million, of which 80% will be invested in quantitative grids and 20% in Bollinger Band-RSI strategies.

2. Crypto 30 Index
Uses principal component analysis: translates problems in high-dimensional space to deal with them in low-dimensional space, making them simpler and more intuitive. Index product size: US$3 million. The index product is a passive investment, with no size or investor restrictions, and is suitable for both small and large capitals, and whether or not you have crypto investment experience.

Build a world-class blockchain smart quantitative product to create a new digital asset trading business landscape!

